You can create an online signature by writing down your handwritten signature, taking a picture of it, and uploading it in your computer. Alternatively, use SignHouse's free online signature maker to draw or type your eSignature.
Yes, you can draw a signature online with SignHouse's free signature maker tool: draw your signature using a touchpad, a mouse, your touch screen, a trackpad, or a stylus pen. Alternatively, write down your handwritten signature, take a picture, and upload it.
Yes, you can write your name as a signature online. It's free to create a typed signature with SignHouse and substitute it for your handwritten signature on legal documents.
Yes, online signatures are safe. Create a legally binding signature with SignHouse and add it to documents safely, as our eSignatures are compliant with regulations all over the world. We don't keep a record of your online signature, as it is 100% private and only for you.
Yes, SignHouse is a free online signature software. Our eSignature maker helps you create an online signature by drawing, typing, or uploading a picture of your handwritten signature against no charge. It's also legally binding for online documents!
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