Electronic Signature Terms

This document is meant to show the list of terms and conditions you agree to, in regards to your electronic signature, digital signature or eSignature (herein "eSignature"), when eSigning a document with SignHouse. The process of "eSigning a document" herein refers to the process of applying one/a set of legally-binding eSignature(s) onto a document.

By agreeing to the Electronic Signature Terms and by signing the document digitally, you agree that:

  • The eSignature represents the legal equivalent of a manually handwritten signature on this document that creates a legal binding to the document.
  • You consent to the legally binding terms and conditions of this document, through the eSignature.
  • You consent to conduct transactions electronically, using electronic records. You consent to conducting business electronically through online documents and to sign those documents using eSignatures.
  • The owner of the document may process and store personal information such as email address, name, signature or other types of personal information that can identify you. Moreover, the owner of the document may share this information with third parties who process this information on behalf of the document owner, for the purpose of servicing the process of eSigning. These third parties may be processing data outside of your country.
  • You are authorized to sign the Electronic Signature Terms.
  • If you are consenting to insert your signature or initials in all the fields, you have inspected beforehand all the said fields and you agree to insert them there.
  • In an event in which you are representing a minor and you are signing on behalf of them, you agree and warrant that you are the minor’s parent, tutor or legal guardian.

You understand and warrant that the copies of you signature and/or eSignature and the written authorizations/instructions offered by SignHouse to you are accurate, true, of complete record, fully legally enforceable in any legal proceedings to the same extent as if they were created in paper/printed form.

You also have the right to request, directly from the owner of the document, the paper version of the document: either for signing, or a copy of the signed document. You understand that the costs of paper copies will be charged by and discussed separately with the document owner.

You understand and agree the confidential nature of the link (URL) that allows you to eSign a document. You further agree that the use of your email address is used to identify you as the person who has signed the document.

You agree not to challenge, dispute or otherwise question the enforceability of the eSignature of this document, as well as any other documents.

You understand that if you're using a translated version of SignHouse, the language that shall prevail is the English language.

You may decline to eSign this document. By declining this document, you mark your lack of intention to sign this document.

You may withdraw your consent to sign this document electronically through SignHouse’s document signature declining function or through contacting the owner of the document directly. However, the documents signed prior to your withdrawal of consent shall be valid and legally-binding. If you continue to use eSignatures after the withdrawal of your consent, you are consenting to eSign documents and consent to the Electronic Signature terms.

Software and hardware requirements

To be able to operate electronically with the information mentioned above, you will need to match the following minimum requirements:

  • A device with internet access
  • Access and ownership of a valid email account
  • Allow per-session cookies and javascript
  • A combination of the supported browsers and operating systems from the table below:
Operating System Chrome Apple Safari Edge Mozilla Firefox
Windows 7 or higher Chrome 80 or higher (Not applicable) Edge 84 or higher Firefox 60 or higher
Mac OS X 10.9 or higher Chrome 80 or higher Safari 13.1 or higher (Not applicable) Firefox 60 or higher
Android 7.0 or higher Chrome 80 or higher (Not applicable) (Not applicable) (Not applicable)
Apple - iOS 10.0 or higher Chrome 80 or higher Safari 13.5 or higher (Not applicable) (Not applicable)

You have the ability and the obligation to download, screenshot or print the Electronic Signature Terms for your own records when agreeing to it.

By continuing with the eSigning procedure of this document, through SignHouse, you hereby understand, acknowledge and agree to the Electronic Signature Terms.