With SignHouse’s online signature maker, you can do more than just eSign documents. Send them for signing and track any progress that’s made.
Besides electronically signing documents, you can also edit them with SignHouse. Upload your file, make changes to it, and then eSign before your download.
Our lifetime deal offer can help you save so much money in the future! Never pay monthly fees again for Nitro — pay once for SignHouse and use forever.
With SignHouse, your team and your clients can create an electronic signature and add it to documents in just a few seconds. No need to download any app or go through a lengthy and confusing sign-up process!
Save even more time with our free contract templates. Never waste any time researching what you write in an agreement or contract — we've done that for you so you can improve your workflow: Duplicate, Edit, Save.
Our electronic signature maker and document editor are created for all types of industries and teams. Whether you're working in a small or a large team, SignHouse is the eSignature maker that's going to help you get work done better.
Whether you work on your won or with your team, SignHouse is always going to be in your browser. You don't have to install any app(s) to electronically sign with us! Simply go to your online dashboard and start editing and signing PDF documents.
This is a very good question. Even though we think that SignHouse is a very good option, we'll now look at a fair comparison between the two eSignature makers and answer unbiased.
Both platforms let you electronically sign unlimited documents. Both give you document analytics, email reminders, and powerful features like a document builder and editor.
But there are so many features that you can get at SignHouse that you can't get at Nitro. On top of it, there are so many you can get for less money than at Nitro's.
Let's take a look at Nitro and SignHouse.
Nitro has pricing varying between $10 to $ 20 per user/mo, with no free plan. SignHouse does.
At SignHouse, you can stick with the free plan forever. We're not going to add any hidden fees or anything that will discomfort you.
In fact, with SignHouse you can enjoy a free electronic signature maker and a PDF editor whose features are all 100% free to use.
Nitro doesn't give a free plan. While there is be a free trial, it only lets you use Nitro eSign and its features for a very limited period of time. SignHouse doesn't set such limits.
Both SignHouse and Nitro offer a document builder and editor. Though, Nitro has two different services for eSigning and document editing, and you'll have to pay the same price twice for them.
SignHouse lets you enjoy the eSignature software and the document builder/editor, all in the same place. No need to download any (extra) app or pay for another service.
On top of it, SignHouse's editor has many features that you don't get at Nitro. Some of the most popular features include protecting documents, converting, compressing, and so on.
Find all of our editor's features in the library of PDF tools that you can access for free.
Even though Nitro has the PDF/eSign services, their document editor is quite limited and doesn't offer as many features as SignHouse's, for which you don't have to pay any extras either.