Most people ask this question: “Should I sign using my full legal name?”, and the answer is simple.
Related: Your signature can be anything.
No, your signature isn’t required to be your name — it can be anything. People often use their full legal names because it is easier to identify themselves that way.
Common types of signatures include:
Not sure how to design a signature? Visit out signature generator and generate yours in just a couple of clicks.
Your signature isn’t mandatory to match your full legal name. Although, it’s good to sign documents using your full name to confirm your identity.
This goes especially to the most important documents, such as opening a bank account or creating your passport.
Pro Tip: It’s best to stick with just one signature.
Yes, your name is a valid electronic signature, and it’s also legally binding.
Even if you don’t want to use your full legal name as your electronic signature, be informed that, unlike the wet-ink signature, tracking eSignatures to the actual signer is way easier if the depiction of your signature doesn’t ring a bell of your name.
Our signatures are 100% legally binding, as SignHouse is built around US and International Laws concerning digital signatures. SignHouse eSignatures are on par with paper signatures, from a legal point of view!
Signing papers digitally started being equal to physical, handwritten signatures in the U.S. eSignature Act of 2000 (U.S. Federal Act) + the Uniform Electronic Transaction Act (UETA). As a consequence, laws in other countries have followed suit. SignHouse is built around these laws.
Your signature 100% works and is 100% legal if it's typed, if you're using an electronic signature software!
Why? It's validity is given by other factors:
Therefore, typing your signature makes it valid, due to the aspects that an eSignature software handles for you.
Yes, it absolutely could be! Why: your electronic signature is not defined by how it looks. It could even be a glyph.
Your signature's validity is given by other aspects, as explained in this article of ours:
So yes, your signature can be your initials!
Signing with a non-cursive signature is ok! If we're talking about digital documents, the signature will be validated by identifiable details that are separate from how it looks — that is taken care of by an eSignature software such as SignHouse.
If we're talking about physical documents:
You can use SignHouse's signature generator, which is 100% free. You can choose between:
(This works better with a touchpad, tablet, smartphone or even a drawing tablet.)
At the end, our Signature generator will put out a transparent-background signature that is ready to be uploaded.
A transparent-background signature works best, as that probably means you can use it in one of those rare situations where you either have a non-white background, or, on a white-background document, you still want the elements under the signature to be visible (e.g. a dotted line).
SignHouse's signature generator puts out transparent-background signatures!