LINE Revenue and Growth Statistics (2024)

Key LINE user stats. Includes data on revenue, profit, valuation, number of users, number of employees, and more.
Last updated on:
August 01, 2024
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LINE Interesting Key Facts

  • LINE is the most popular social network in Thailand.
  • When LINE was first launched, it quickly reach 100 million users in just 18 months.
  • In Thailand, 21 million stories are posted on LINE every day.
  • LINE is the number one messaging app in Japan.
  • 70% of the Japanese population uses LINE.
  • In July 2016, LINE went public during an IPO that was held both on the New York Stock Exchange and the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
  • In December 2020, due to an agreement to be absorbed by Z holdings, Line Corporation was delisted from both the New York Stock Exchange and the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
  • Currently, there are more than 1 billion people who are using LINE

Sources: LINE Facebook Page, Digital Marketing for Asia, LINE Corp, CNN Money

LINE: Company Overview (About)

Source: LINE Corp

What is LINE’s revenue?

LINE has a revenue of $2.36 billion or ¥259.58 billion in 2021, a great increase of more than 100 percent compared to revenue generated in 2020.

LINE revenue in JPY.

Sources: LINE Corp, Company Data

LINE Advertising: Revenue

LINE has an advertising revenue of $1 billion or around ¥112.31 billion.

LINE Advertising Revenue in JPY.

Source: LINE Corp

LINE Others: Revenue

For the rest of LINE’s revenue segments, the company has earned $115.28 million or ¥12.53 billion.

LINE’s revenue from the rest of the sources in JPY.

Source: LINE Corp

LINE Profit

After years of losses, LINE finally has a profit of $112 million or ¥12.30 billion in 2021.

LINE profit in JPY.

Source: LINE Corp

What is LINE’s market cap? (Valuation)

LINE has a market capitalization of $12.61 billion

Source: Companies Market Cap

What is LINE’s market share?

LINE has a market share of 7.44% by corroborating the number of monthly active users and the number of mobile phone messaging app users.

Source: Statista, Company Data

How does LINE make money?

LINE generates through three segments: strategic business, core business ads, and core business.

Revenue generated from Line’s strategic business are transaction fees being charged on LINE Pay and other online-to-offline (O2O) commerce services.

Meanwhile, revenue generated from core business ads come from advertisements across all LINE businesses. This includes, but not limited to, Line App, Line Manga, Line Games, Line Music, and etc.

For revenue generated through LINE’s core business, it comes from their content, communication, and other businesses. This includes purchases and other transactions on LINE Manga, LINE Music, LINE Game, LINE Fortune, LINE Friends, and etc.

Source: LINE Corp

LINE: Number of total users

LINE reported in 2016 that they have hit the 700 million milestone. After that, the corporation just stopped reporting the total number of users so we really have no idea about the total number of registered users in LINE.

Sources: Tech In Asia, LINE Blog, Korea Times

How many monthly active users does LINE have?

LINE has 230 million monthly active users.

Source: LINE Corp, Company Data

How many people are using LINE in Japan?

There are 89 million monthly active users of LINE in Japan.

Source: LINE Corp, Digital Marketing for Asia, Data Reportal, Company Data

Line Users Distribution by Region in Japan

34.7% of LINE users live in Kanto.

Meanwhile, there are only a few people who use LINE in the Shikoku region.

Source: Line Biz

How many people are using LINE in Thailand?

There are 51 million LINE users in Thailand.

Source: LINE Corp, Nation Thailand, Lexicon Thai, Company Data

How many people are using LINE in Taiwan?

There are 21 million LINE users in Taiwan.

Source: LINE Corp, Taiwan News, Company Data

How many people are using LINE in Indonesia?

There are 13 million LINE users in Indonesia.

Source: LINE Corp, Taipei Times, Company Data

LINE: Gender Distribution

Source: Similarweb

LINE: Age Distribution

Source: LINE Biz

LINE Users: Occupation  Distribution

49.9% of LINE users are working in offices while 30.6% work in homemaking or part-time jobs.

Source: Line Biz

How many people are using LINE Gift?

LINE Gift has 15 million users.

Source: LINE Corp

How many people are using LINE Pay?

There are 6.47 million LINE Pay users all over the globe.

Source:LINE Corp 1, LINE Corp 2, LINE Corp 3, LINE Corp 4

How many monthly paying users does LINE have?

LINE has 9.4 million monthly paying users. These are the people that have done at least 1 complete transaction on any LINE app.

Source: LINE Corp, Company Data

What is LINE Pay’s transaction volume?

LINE Pay has a transaction volume of $14.10 billion.

LINE Pay Transaction Volume in JPY

Source: LINE Corp, Company Data

How many people are using LINE Games?

There are 10 million people that are still using LINE Games.

Source: LINE Corp, Company Data

How many monthly paying users does LINE Games have?

LINE Games has 550,000 monthly paying users (MPU) in 2022.

Source: LINE Corp, Company Data

How many games are in LINE Games?

LINE Games has only 9 titles as shown on their website.

Source: LINE Corp, LINE Games, Company Data

LINE: Number of employees

There are 3,100 employees who work at LINE.

Source: LINE Corp 1, LINE Corp 2, Company Data

How much time do people spend on LINE?

LINE users spend an average of 4.16 hours per week in using the app, that would be around 30 minutes per day.

Source: Tech Crunch, Company Data

LINE Daily Usage by Age and Gender

86.4% of Male Line users that are ages 15-19 uses LINE daily.

Meanwhile, almost all female LINE users that are 20-24 years old use LINE daily.

Source: LINE Biz

LINE: Number of Messages

How many messages are sent in LINE each year?

There are 1.59 trillion messages being sent in LINE each year.

Source: LINE Corp, Company Data

How many messages are sent in LINE each month?

There are 130.50 billion messages being sent in LINE each month.

Source: Line Corp, Company Data

How many messages are sent in LINE each week?

There are 30.45 billion messages being sent in LINE each week.

Source: LINE Corp, Company Data

How many messages are sent in LINE each day?

There are 4.35 billion messages being sent in LINE each day.

Source: LINE Corp, Company Data

How many messages are sent in Line each hour?

There are 181.25 million messages being sent in LINE each hour.

Source: LINE Corp, Company Data

How many messages are sent in LINE each minute?

There are 3.02 million messages being sent in LINE each minute.

Sources: LINE Corp, Company Data

How many messages are sent in LINE each second?

There are 50,300 messages being sent in LINE each second.

Sources: LINE Corp, Company Data

How many messages are received in LINE each year?

There are 7.64 trillion messages being received each year in LINE.

Sources: LINE Corp, Company Data

How many messages are received in LINE each month?

There are 627.60 billion messages being received in LINE each month.

Sources: LINE Corp, Company Data

How many messages are received in LINE each week?

There are 146.44 billion messages being received in LINE each week.

Sources: LINE Corp, Company Data

How many messages are received in LINE each day?

There are 20.92 billion messages being received in LINE each day.

Sources: LINE Corp, Company Data

How many messages are received in LINE each hour?

There are 871.67 million messages being received in LINE each hour.

Sources: LINE Corp, Company Data

How many messages are received in LINE each minute?

There are 14.53 million messages being received in LINE each minute.

Sources: LINE Corp, Company Data

How many messages are received in LINE each second?

There are 242,129 messages being sent each second.

Sources: LINE Corp, Company Data

How many stickers are in LINE?

There are 127.75 stickers in LINE.

Source: LINE Corp

How many stickers are sent in LINE every day?

There are 510 million stickers being sent in LINE every day.

Source: LINE Corp 1

How many stickers are sent in LINE every hour?

There are 14.58 million stickers being sent in LINE every hour.

Source:  LINE Corp, Company Data

How many stickers are sent in LINE every minute?

There are 243,000 stickers being sent in LINE every minute.

Sources: LINE Corp, Company Data

How many stickers are sent in LINE every second?

There are 4,000 stickers being sent in LINE every second.

Sources: LINE Corp,  Company Data

How many manga/comic books are there in LINE Manga?

There are more than 300,000 manga and comic books in LINE Manga.

Source: LINE Corp

Which countries visit LINE the most?

LINE users from Japan visit the app the most with 56.58% of daily visitors coming from the country.

Source: Similarweb

Where is LINE available (in which countries)?

LINE is available all over the world. However, there are specific LINE apps that are only available in certain regions.

For example, LINE Out is only Available in:

  • India
  • Japan
  • Malaysia
  • Philippines
  • Thailand
  • Turkey
  • Argentina
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Mexico
  • Peru
  • The United States
  • Australia
  • New Zealand

Source: LINE 1, LINE 2

How many businesses does LINE have?

LINE has more than 16 different businesses.

  • LINE Pay
  • LINE Games
  • LINE Manga
  • LINE Music
  • LINE Fortune
  • LINE Store
  • LINE Friends
  • LINE Part-time Job
  • LINE Mobile
  • LINE Taxi
  • LINE Wow
  • LINE Today
  • LINE Shopping
  • LINE Gift
  • LINE Doctor
  • Shopping Go

Source: LINE Corp

How much did advertisers pay for impressions on LINE?

Advertisers on LINE pay around $720 million for ad impressions.

Total impressions value in JPY.

Source: Line Corporation, Company Data

LINE Funding History

LINE was funded twice. Once in 2019 and another in 2018.

LINE raised $1.35 billion or ¥148.1B in 2018.

Source: Crunchbase

LINE Investments

Source: Crunchbase

LINE Traffic Overview

LINE has 10.8 million unique visitors daily and has 328 million monthly visitors.

Source: HypeStat

LINE: Traffic Sources

LINE’s main traffic comes from their direct sources.

Source: HypeStat

LINE: Desktop vs Mobile

Most LINE users access the app through their phones.

Source: HypeStat

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About the author

Ch David is the co-founder of SignHouse. David is here to help the product development team expand the capabilities of ultimate eSignature maker for all your needs. Join David and the SignHouse team in stepping up electronic signatures!