In this guide, we’re teaching you how to create a cursive signature.
Closely Related: Does my signature have to be in cursive?
With SignHouse, there are two different ways you can create a cursive signature from scratch with our online signature maker: drawing and using text.
It’s very easy to find a cursive font that replicates your writing.
Writing in cursive is the same as normal writing, but with these extra rules:
That’s right about everything you need to know on writing your electronic signature in cursive.
Yes, it absolutely could be! Why: your electronic signature is not defined by how it looks. It could even be a glyph.
Your signature's validity is given by other aspects, as explained in this article of ours:
So yes, your signature can be your initials!
Signing with a non-cursive signature is ok! If we're talking about digital documents, the signature will be validated by identifiable details that are separate from how it looks — that is taken care of by an eSignature software such as SignHouse.
If we're talking about physical documents:
That could be the case too. Remember: your signature's validity is given by the following:
So whether your signature is your full name or not, it just has to be validated through an eSignature software. That's why, for instance, signatures created through Apple Notes, through your iPhone, are not legally recognized.
Feel free to read the full analysis of why your full name is not 100% required in a signature in this article.