FTX Users And Revenue Statistics (2024)

Important stats about FTX. Includes key statistics on country-by-country availability, valuation, investments and more.
Last updated on:
August 01, 2024
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FTX: Company Overview (About)

At a glance:

How many employees work at FTX?

As per LinkedIn, the number of employees of FTX is: 655 employees. This includes all collaborators, part-time workers, contractors, etc.

Here’s a full breakdown of FTX employees across years:

Source: FTX Blog 1, FTX Blog 2, Twitter

FTX Demographics by Age

Here’s a full breakdown:

  • 20.07% of FTX active users accounts are people aged 18-24
  • 36.16% of FTX active users accounts are people aged 25-34
  • 20.32% of FTX active users accounts are people aged 35-44
  • 11.95% of FTX active users accounts are people aged 45-54
  • 7.23% of FTX active users accounts are people aged 55-64
  • 4.07% of FTX active users accounts are people aged 65+

Source: SimilarWeb

FTX Valuation

Sources: The Information, Bloomberg, CNBC, FTX Blog, Finance Magnates

FTX Fundraising

Sources: Crunchbase, The Information, Bloomberg, CNBC, FTX Blog, Finance Magnates

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