Convert JPG to PDF At 1MB (2024)

Change the format of a JPG image to PDF for free. We'll make sure that your PDF image is no larger than 1MB.
Last updated on:
December 29, 2023
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If you’re here because:

  • You’ve got a JPG/JPEG image;
  • And you want to turn it into a PDF;
  • But not larger than 1MB…

Then this is the place to be. By the end of reading this, you’ll leave the page with knowledge on JPG-PDF converting, as well as with a file no larger than 1MB.

We’ve embedded our 1MB PDF compressor on this page as well so you’d make two jobs at a same time: converting and reducing the size of a JPG-PDF document.

Let’s go straight into the tutorial.

How to convert JPG to PDF at 1MB (or less!)

  1. Upload the JPG image in the box below;
  2. Convert the JPG to PDF in 1 click;
  3. Download the PDF that’s restricted to <1MB in size.

With our software, you can use two PDF functions at the same time: convert and compress. It takes exactly two clicks!

Besides, if you have a precise size to resize your PDF at, say 1MB for instance, you can do that as well. Or, you can use one of our presets:

Resizing a PDF

Want to achieve the smallest possible size for your JPG converted to PDF? Then the “Extreme Compression” preset is what you’re looking for.

Can I convert multiple JPGs PDFs at 1MB?

Yes, and the process to bulk converting JPG to PDF at 1MB is the same:

  1. Upload your JPG images;
  2. Convert them to PDF;
  3. Download the 1MB PDF.

That’s how you properly turn a JPG into a PDF at 1MB.

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