First, you need to turn your handwritten signature into a digital signature. To do so, you should use a third-party eSign software such as SignHouse, which lets you upload the subcontractor agreement, choose how many people are going to add their signature to the contract, and finally, drag and drop the signature(s) anywhere over the virtual paper.
Select the subcontractor agreement and upload it in the system.
You can sign the agreement all by yourself, or you can also invite other signers to the file.
Simply drag and drop your signature on the subcontractor agreement. That's it!
Use SignHouse to do all sorts of editing on your PDF documents, including your subcontractor agreement. You can attach your signature to any of your agreements, and you can also invite other people to join in editing these. Use the eSign software that we provide so you can save the time that once used to be wasted on printing PDF contracts, signing them, and then scanning them back into the computer. It's time to work smarter with electronic signatures.
Not familiar with computers? That's definitely not a problem with SignHouse. We've optimised the eSign software so that everyone can eSign subcontractor agreements with ease. There's no hassle here.
Aside from helping you turn a physical signature into a beautiful online signature, we also work with creating documents. We've got a library of templates for many types of documents, such as contract agreements.
Enjoying computers more than mobile phones? Is it the other way around? Regardless, we guarantee that you can electronically sign a subcontractor agreement on any of your devices. SignHouse is optimised for all.
From start to finish, creating a digital signature and adding it to your online documents (such as the subcontractor agreement) takes just a couple of seconds. The process is really quick and compact.
We'd like to believe that there are quite a few reasons why you should pick SignHouse as your next eSignature software, and instead of listing each benefit, we'd like to say that our product's accessibility stands out. The fact that you're able to electronically sign documents on any of your devices, from anywhere in the world, at any time, is one of the main reasons why you should choose SignHouse over the rest of the eSign solutions.
It doesn't matter whether you need to sign a contract or an invoice, or if the file is an image or a PDF - we guarantee to help you sign it. The eSignature software can work with any type of document that you need.
We know that you have other to-dos that are more important rather than signing a few papers (virtual or physical). That's why we've done our best in offering a product that's going to improve your workflow.
While drawing with a touchpad or a mouse may seem hard, we've made it easier to use them. In fact, you can design an eSignature by uploading a picture, by drawing it, and even by using text with a nice font.
The blue bubble in the bottom-right corner of any page on our website can be clicked at any time if you want to get in touch with our support team. We're always happy to clear any eSign concerns of yours.