Your signature 100% works and is 100% legal if it's typed, if you're using an electronic signature software!
Why? It's validity is given by other factors:
- As per the eSignature (2000) and UETA (2000) Acts passed by the US Government, alongside other requirements (explained in-depth by us here), one of them is this: “Attribution. The signature has to be uniquely identified to the signee and only linked to them”
- Using an electronic signature software such as SignHouse automatically handles that, as such apps easily attribute signatures with identifiable details (e.g. account information, location, IP, etc)
- Another requirement for a digital signature to be valid: “Retention. The documents must be stored for future reference, available to be viewed, reviewed, edited, etc. by both parties”
- SignHouse takes care of this aspect as well.
Therefore, typing your signature makes it valid, due to the aspects that an eSignature software handles for you.