(2024) How To Add Signature To PDF: No Adobe!

The best way to sign PDFs without Adobe is to use an online software. SignHouse works the same as Adobe, only it's free and online.
Last updated on:
August 01, 2024
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How to sign a PDF *without Adobe*

To add your signature to a PDF without Adobe, you need to use an online tool. Most of them work this way: Upload PDF > Add Signature > Save.

With SignHouse, the process is like this:

  1. Upload your PDF document (in the box below);
  2. Select the signature field;
  3. Drag & Drop your signature on the PDF;
  4. Download the signed document.

How to electronically sign a PDF without Adobe
  1. Click Signature on the left
  2. Create/Select your electronic signature
  3. Drag & Drop it on the PDF
  4. Save changes

Resource: In the image above is our free One-Page Lease Agreement Template.


Can you sign a PDF online without Adobe?

Yes, there are many options to create & add your eSignature to a PDF without Adobe.

If you our PDF signing software, you just have do the following:

  1. Upload a PDF document
  2. Select your signature
  3. Drop it on the file

eSigning documents with us takes just a couple of seconds.

Can you sign a portfolio without Adobe?

Yes, and it's also 100% free:

  1. Upload your PDF portfolio to SignHouse;
  2. Create the signature in ~10 seconds;
  3. Put it anywhere on the portfolio.

How do I add a signature to a PDF without Adobe?

There are many online eSignature tools that help you add a signature to a PDF without Adobe. For instance, SignHouse is a free PDF editor that lets you sign files as well.

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