LinkedIn Revenue and Growth Statistics (2024)

Key LinkedIn user stats. Includes data on revenue, how much funding has LinkedIn raised, investors, investments, acquisitions, and more.
Last updated on:
August 01, 2024
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Interesting LinkedIn Statistics

  • 59.9% of LinkedIn’s users are between 25 and 34 years old.
  • LinkedIn saw a 55% increase in conversations among connections since 2021
  • LinkedIn has 15x more content impressions than job postings
  • LinkedIn has 830 million members currently
  • LinkedIn posts with images get 2x higher engagement
  • As of April 2022, the US had 190 million LinkedIn users, making it the country with the highest user base worldwide.
  • India is the platform’s second-largest market with 87 million users, followed by Brazil with 54 million users.
  • Men use LinkedIn more frequently than women do, making up about 57.2 per cent of all users globally as of January 2022.
  • More than half of all LinkedIn users in the US are from high-income families.
  • In the United States, users with bachelor’s degrees or more made up about 60% of the total user base on LinkedIn.
  • Around 774 million people used LinkedIn worldwide in 2021, and 49 million of them had premium accounts.
  • According to estimates, LinkedIn’s premium subscribers will bring in about $4.45 billion USD in 2021.
  • LinkedIn was cited as the most significant social media platform by more than 35% of business-to-business (B2B) marketers.
  • LinkedIn’s ad revenue increased from $3 billion in 2020 to $3.82 billion in 2021.
  • By 2026, it is predicted that LinkedIn will generate yearly ad sales of almost $8 billion.

Source: Linkedin, Statista

Overview About LinkedIn

LinkedIn was founded in 2003 in the USA. There are 21,000 employees at LinkedIn, and the company’s revenue is over $10 billion. The net income is over $159.2 million.

Now, let’s have a look at the key details about LinkedIn.

Source: LinkedIn

LinkedIn Revenue

LinkedIn’s yearly revenue increased from 10.3 billion US dollars in the fiscal year 2021 to more than 13.8 billion dollars in the fiscal year 2022.

Graph about LinkedIn revenue

The table below shows you LinkedIn’s revenue from 2017 to 2022.

From $2.3 billion in 2017, LinkedIn managed got to $13.8 billion in 2022.

Only time will tell LinkedIn’s revenue for the next years. Though, judging by the past, it seems that LinkedIn’s got a bright future ahead.

Source: Statista

LinkedIn Revenues by Segment (2019 to 2021)

LinkedIn earned around 6.4 billion from users who paid for premium accounts, in addition to 4.4 billion from other revenues and 3.8 billion from advertising in 2021.

Graph about Linkedin revenue by segment

The table below shows you how much money LinkedIn earned through adverts, premium accounts (LinkedIn paid service), as well as from other sources.

You can notice how LinkedIn’s largest individual segment is ‘Premium Account’, since it has always produced a large portion of the revenue from 2019 to 2022.

Source: Statista

LinkedIn Revenue by Adverts (2017-2021)

Adverts are one of the company’s largest revenue segments. Hence, it went from $1.6 billion in 2017 to $3.8 billion in 2021.

This only show that four years of marketing work can change a lot of numbers.

Graph about Linkedin revenue by adverts

Leaving the graph with LinkedIn’s revenue by adverts aside, let’s now look at the table with the precise numbers from 2017 to 2022.

As previously mentioned, one LinkedIn’s greatest sources of income are adverts. We can confidently say that this table validates the argument.

Source: Statista

LinkedIn Revenue by Premium Accounts (2017-2021)

Looking at revenue by premium accounts, LinkedIn made $4 billion in 2019, jumping by a few millions every new year, and reaching $4.45 billion in 2021.

Source: Statista

LinkedIn Global EBITDA (2019 to 2021)

LinkedIn’s earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization were as follows in this table:

It’s a bit disapointing to see how much money goes through EBITDA, but that’s part of every business, so nothing can really change that.

Source: Statista

How much funding has LinkedIn raised?

LinkedIn has raised $154.8 million in investment over seven rounds. Their most recent funding came on February 15, 2016, in the form of a Post-IPO Equity round.

Graph about Linkedin Funding raised

The first LinkedIn funding took place in November 2003, and the latest one was in February 2016.

While we don’t know much about the 2016 funding, we know much about the previous ones. Let’s take a look at them!

LinkedIn’s greatest funding was in 2008, when Bain Capital Ventures and 4 other investors raised $53 million.

Source: Crunchbase

Who are LinkedIn Investors?

There are 15 investors who support LinkedIn. The most recent investors are TCV and Tiger Global Management.

Source: Crunchbase

LinkedIn Investments

LinkedIn makes 14 investments. Their most recent investment was made on April 20, 2022, when Oyster raised $150 million.

Source: Crunchbase

LinkedIn Acquisitions

LinkedIn has acquired 28 organizations. Their most recent acquisition was EduBrite Systems on Jun 28, 2022.

Source: Crunchbase

LinkedIn Market Capitalization

In 2011, shares of LinkedIn’s IPO rise by 84% on the first trade, opening at $7.8 billion.

Graph about Linkedin Market Capitalization

The table below includes the LinkedIn Market Capitalization from 2011.

Let’s look at the contrast: LinkedIn’s market cap in 2011 was at $7.8 billion, jumping all the way to $22.6 billion in 2022.

Source: Macro Axis, Techcrunch

How does LinkedIn make money? (LinkedIn Business Model)

LinkedIn generates revenue from the sale of advertising, recruiting services, and membership benefits, as well as through its talent solutions, marketing solutions, and premium subscriptions.

How many people work at LinkedIn?

In 2022, there were approximately 21 thousand LinkedIn employees worldwide, up from an estimated 16 thousand in 2021, indicating a year-on-year increase in employees of more than 18.

Graph about Linkedin number of employees

In 2019, there were over 10,000 people working at LinkedIn. In 2022, there have been over 21,000 people working there.

Source: Statista

LinkedIn employees by gender (2019 – 2021)

As of 2021, men made up 54.3 per cent of global LinkedIn employees, while women made up 45 per cent.

Graph about Linkedin employees gender distribution

Looking at this data, we can note that LinkedIn has a pretty hair male-female employee ratio. The table below shows you the 2019-2022 situation:

Once again, we can see how LinkedIn always kept a pretty balanced male-female employee ratio.

Source: Statista

LinkedIn employees in leadership by gender (2019-2021)

Men accounted for 57.9 per cent of global LinkedIn employees in leadership positions, while women accounted for 41.8 per cent in 2021.

Source: Statista

LinkedIn employees in technical roles by gender

In technical positions at LinkedIn, men occupied 73.8 per cent of the positions, while women made up 25.1%.

Graph about LinkedIn employees in tech roles by gender

Most of LinkedIn’s technical jobs are occupied by men with 73.8%, followed by women at 25.1%.

The table below also mentions the 1.10% which is not disclosed in the comparison.

Source: Statista

How many offices does LinkedIn have?

LinkedIn technical, business and creative teams work in more than 30 global offices.

Infographic about number of offices of LinkedIn

LinkedIn’s offices are located all over the world, though many are based in the USA.

Source: LinkedIn

What Profession uses LinkedIn the most?

Top 5 professional sectors on LinkedIn

  • Recruitment
  • Venture Capital and Private Equity
  • Human Resources
  • Management Consulting
  • Online media industry

Source: Pro Influent

Top 5 professional functions on LinkedIn

  • Resources Human
  • Management
  • Commercial
  • Marketing
  • Consulting

Source: Pro Influent

How many users does LinkedIn have throughout the years?

Currently, there are more than 875 million LinkedIn users worldwide.

Graph about number of users of Linkedin worldwide

In 2009, LinkedIn had 55 million users. Fast-forward to 2021, it had 810 million users.

Below is a table showing you LinkedIn’s user growth from 2009 to 2021.

As LinkedIn became more popular as a platform to find new jobs, more new users joined it. Hence the 810 million worldwide users in 2021.

Source: LinkedIn, Statista, Statista

LinkedIn users by gender distribution

As of January 2022, more than 42% of LinkedIn users worldwide were women, with men constituting more than 57% of its audience.

Graph about Linkedin users gender distribution

LinkedIn has a balanced male-female ratio of users as well, not just for employees.

We can see the same pattern in the past as well, since LinkedIn was always balanced like this.

Source: Statista

LinkedIn users by age group

Nearly 60 per cent of LinkedIn users worldwide were between the ages of 25 and 34 years old.

Graph about LinkedIn users by age group

The 25-34 age group is the most popular one for LinkedIn’s users at the moment.

Follow by the 25-34 age group is the 18-24, with most people using LinkedIn either to find new jobs or as social media (including start-up promoting).

Source: Statista

LinkedIn users in the United States (2018-2022)

The number of monthly active users on LinkedIn in the US increased to 66.8 million in 2022 from 58.5 million in 2018.

Graph about Linkedin users in USA

LinkedIn was always popular in the US. Since 2018, there have always been over 50 million users in the US, and the numbers keep on going up every year.

That’s why LinkedIn reached 66.8 million users in the US in 2022.

Source: Statista

LinkedIn users in the United States by gender

LinkedIn has an audience of 58% males and 42% females in the USA.

Graph about Linkedin users in USA by gender

Source: Statista

LinkedIn users in the United States by income

A high monthly household income was the norm for 55% of LinkedIn members. Then,

29% of LinkedIn users came from middle-class families, while 16% were from low-income households.

Graph about LinkedIn users in USA by income

The table below shows you the categories of LinkedIn’s users based on income: high, middle, low income.

It’s notable that the high income group is the most popular in the USA with LinkedIn, as it covers 55% of all three groups: high, middle, low income.

Source: Statista

Top 20 LinkedIn users by Countries

LinkedIn had as of April 2022. The country, with runner-up India, accounted for an audience of 87 million.

Graph about LinkedIn top country users

LinkedIn is most used in the USA, India, and Brazil. The graph below shows you these countries, as well as many others.

Source: Statista

Who are the most followed companies on LinkedIn?

Amazon is the most followed company on LinkedIn, withh 28.5 million followers.

Infographic about the most followed companies on LinkedIn

The table below shows you the most popular companies on LinkedIn. The first three are Amazon, Google, and TED Conferences.

Source: LinkedIn

Who are the top Influencers on LinkedIn?

Bill Gates is the most popular Influencer on LinkedIn. He has over 36 million followers on the platform.

Infographic about Bill Gates as the top influencers in Linkedin

After Bill Gates, there are some names that you might’ve heard of before. Below you can see a list with the most popular Influencers on LinkedIn:

Source: LinkedIn

Who are the top 5 leading traffic referrers to (2022)

Over 11.1% of’s referral traffic as of May 2022 came from, which contributed more than 6% of referral traffic to the business networking site LinkedIn, was its second-largest referral traffic driver.

Source: Statista

Top desktop traffic to by country (2022)

With 31.28 per cent of all website visits to using the desktop, the United States was rated #1.

Graph about Linkedin desktop traffic by country

After the USA, the most popular desktop traffic countries for LinkedIn are India, the UK, Brazil, and Canada.

See the table with the most popular desktop traffic countries on the website right below.

Source: Statista

Top social media traffic referrers to (2022) accounted for over 30.6 per cent of social media referral traffic to

Source: Statista

How many times are jobs posted on LinkedIn? (Second, Minute, hour & day)

More than 23 job-related posts are posted on LinkedIn every second, and 1,388 per minute.

Source: LinkedIn

How many job applications are made on LinkedIn? (Second, Minute, hour & day)

More than 95 job seekers apply for jobs on LinkedIn every second, and 5,700 per minute.

Source: LinkedIn

How often are applicants hired on LinkedIn? (Second, Minute, hour & day)

More than 6 applicants are hired on LinkedIn every second, and 360 hires happen every minute.

Source: LinkedIn

What is the best time to post job-related content on LinkedIn?

According to LinkedIn officials, the best time to post on LinkedIn is between:

  • 12 and 3 pm
  • 3 and 6 pm
  • or 6 and 9 pm.
  • All on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Source: LinkedIn

What is the average time spent on LinkedIn by users?

Every month, the average LinkedIn user spends 17 minutes on the platform.

Infographic about the average time spent on Linkedin users

Source: SM Perth

How many App Downloads did LinkedIn have in 2022?

Recent statistics showed that:

  • LinkedIn has 1 billion android app downloads
  • More than 72.2 thousand IOS app downloads
Graph about Linkedin android vs iOS app download

Source: Play Google, Apps Apple

Who Founded LinkedIn?

Reid Hoffman’s Net Worth

  • Reid Hoffman cofounded the professional networking site LinkedIn in 2003 and is a partner at venture capital firm Greylock Partners.
  • In 2016, Hoffman sold LinkedIn to Microsoft for $26.2 billion in cash and joined Microsoft’s board.
  • He is an investor in Airbnb, which went public in December 2020, and autonomous driving pioneer Aurora, which acquired Uber’s self-driving unit.
  • Hoffman is part of the so-called “PayPal Mafia,” and was one of the first employees at the payment company that was later sold to eBay.
  • Before PayPal, Hoffman created the (failed) dating site SocialNet, which some regard as the first online social network.
  • He has put $1.5 billion into impact investments through charitable entities like donor-advised funds; Forbes excludes this sum from his fortune.

Reid Hoffman’s Net Worth throughout the years

Source: Forbes

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