You’re probably in one of the following situations:
Alternatively, you might want to split, separate, save, re-organize the pages in a different combination.
That’s what we’ve built our PDF Splitter for.
And here’s the great news. Not only it’s super versatile, unlike other PDF Splitters.
But you’ll be able to use it on this very page. (And also leave this page with your desired outcome).
Let’s dive into how to use the PDF split function.
Splitting a PDF can mean many things.
So we’ll talk through the separate use cases you might have.
Make sure you jump to the relevant section either using the options on the sidebar (if you’re on desktop) or by using the “sections” button at the top of the screen (if you’re on tablet/mobile).
Splitting a PDF can mean many things.
But for the sake of this how-to guide, we’ll assume you’ll have the most common use case.
Wait a few seconds ⏲️.
Then you can download your new files, which are split — just like you’ve set them to be!
That’s it! You’re done! Your file is now split.
Wait a few seconds ⏲️.
Then you can download your new file, which is missing the files you haven’t selected. Boom! Your PDF is split.
Let’s say you have a PDF with 12 pages.
You might want to split this PDF into equal files with 3 pages each (therefore 4 files).
Do you need to go through Method 1 listed above and click 4 times?
What if your PDF has 120 pages? Will you need to click 40 times?
Not at all — just use the function below.
Wait a few seconds ⏲️.
Then you can download your PDF files, which will each have 3 pages.
What happens if you have a non-exact number of pages?
Let’s say you have 14 pages, but choose to split every 3 pages?
Prefer a different split? Maybe the 1st file with 2 pages and have everything else with 3 pages?
If so, look at method 1!
When you upload your file, our PDF merge/extraction function will apply its changes and create a new, updated set of documents.
To protect your privacy, regarding your initial document, two things happen:
We give you full control over it, based on your preferences!
If you scroll up on the page where we explain with step-by-step instructions how to split a PDF, you will be able to split a PDF without using Adobe.
On that very page, you can:
It takes a few seconds and only a few clicks.
Adobe, on the other hand, requires a download plus a few minutes.