What is a Feedback Emoji?

Customer feedback is essential for business growth. It lets you improve customer experience significantly which directly impacts financial growth
Last updated on:
February 01, 2023
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Customer feedback is absolutely necessary. Research shows that 73% of companies having above-average customer experience perform financially better than their counterparts.

Feedback shows you what works and what doesn’t and helps you with decision-making. You can collect feedback in several ways to understand what your customers think of your products, brand, customer services, website, etc.

Feedback emojis are one of the fastest-growing and popular feedback collection method that is now used by businesses of all sizes. Not sure what emoji feedback is? This article is all about feedback emojis.

What makes this emoji feedback popular, what it is, how it works, what are its benefits, and why you should use it are some of the questions that will be answered in this article.

What is Emoji Feedback?

It is a feedback collection technique that uses emojis (or emoticons). Users have to select a relevant emoji to share their feedback instead of filing a survey.

Emojis for feedback

You choose emojis that express different reactions such as angry, happy, or sad. Customers select an emoji in response to a feedback question. This is what emoji feedback is all about. You don’t have to create Likert scale questions, MCQs, or other types of questions to get feedback from your customers.

The feedback is analyzed normally and you can use it for decision-making. For instance, if a high percentage of readers respond to a blog post by selecting angry emoji, it means they don’t like the blog post. You can ask for more specific feedback by asking them to participate in a detailed survey.

This is how it works.

Here is an example:

Emoji feedback example

It’s a simple question with 5 different emojis. Nothing fancy. You can add any question you like, you can tweak and customize emoji style, color, and theme.

Emoji feedback is user-friendly and quick. Users don’t feel as if they’re participating in a survey. This is a reason why emojis increase user engagement by 15%.

Why users love feedback emoji?

Because they’re used to using emojis. They don’t mind clicking (or tapping) an emoji, in fact, a lot of people will happily do it even if you don’t compensate them for their time. Now compare this to a survey where you have to convince people to participate.

Eventually, the response rate you get with emoji feedback is fairly high as compared to other types of feedback collection techniques.

Why Emoji Feedback is Important

Several reasons make feedback emoji form essential for your business.

  1. Emojis are extensively used by people of all ages. More than 5 billion emojis are sent daily on Facebook Messenger. Your ideal customers are naturally tuned to using emojis so when they have to respond to a question via an emoji, they will do it without hesitation or giving it a second thought.
  2. Emoji feedback is user-friendly. It requires minimal work from the user. They just have to select an emoji after reading a question. You can get feedback from users without asking them to participate in the survey. They will select an emoji even if you don’t ask them.
  3. Feedback emoji saves you money because you don’t have to compensate the participants which you have to do with other types of surveys. Since emoji feedback doesn’t look like a survey and doesn’t need more than a few seconds, you don’t have to compensate participants.
  4. The response rate of emoji feedback is higher than other feedback techniques. If you intend to improve the response rate of your survey, it’d be best to switch to an emoji feedback form.
  5. Emojis are the new thing and are used pretty much everywhere ranging from phones to social media to emails to the internet and more. It is, therefore, essential for your business to use these for feedback collection to go with the tide.

History of Reaction Buttons

Emoji feedback is based on the reaction button strategy. The users share their reactions to a question or a situation through a button (in this case an emoji). Reaction buttons became famous with social media and cellphones. The early use of reaction buttons and emojis started with cellphones. People used emojis in text messages back then.

Social media especially Facebook introduced its Like button which was one of the first popular reaction buttons. Then smartphones introduced emojis which were used extensively and people became familiar with reaction buttons. Other social networks and text messaging apps (e.g. WhatsApp) did the rest.

Today, reaction buttons are everywhere. Think of any social networking platform, any phone (even the basic ones), or any test messaging app, they all come with tons of emojis and reaction buttons. This is the world we live in and this is what exactly you have to use on your website for feedback collection.

Examples of Emoji Feedback

How you can use emojis to collect feedback from your customers? Well, there are several companies that let you use emoji feedback. You don’t have to create your own customized feedback form. Sign up with any of the following emoji feedback companies and you’ll be all set:

1. Intercom

Intercom is a chat solution that offers chatbots and live chat features to businesses. It doesn’t provide standalone feedback emoji solution rather it is incorporated in its messenger and chat.

Intercom's homepage

You can collect customer feedback for customer support via emojis.

Intercom lets you collect feedback in real-time from users using emojis. Customers respond with a relevant emoji after having a chat with one of your agents.

2. GetFeedback

GetFeedBack is an enterprise-level feedback emoji tool. It lets you collect feedback from the users as they browse your content on website, app or email.

You can add widgets that can be customized easily.

GetFeedback home page

You decide where you have to show the emoji feedback widget on your website.

GetFeedback is more of a customer experience tool that lets you track and improve customer experience – and feedback is a part of it.

4. Happy or Not

Happy or Not is another emoji feedback tool that works perfectly in real-time. It is an enterprise-level feedback solution for employees as well as customers. It is primarily used by the retail sector. The feedback is collected and analyzed in real-time.

Happy or Not website home page

Happy or Not supplies with physical feedback machines that you can place in your store. The equipment such as Smiley Terminal is fully customizable and can be branded.

You can put it in your store so walk-in customers can submit their feedback by pushing a smiley button.


Collecting feedback is crucial for success. You can’t do business without listening to your customers. At the end of the day, it all comes down to how you analyze and use the feedback.

You can incorporate several emoji feedback widgets across your website and collect feedback from all the visitors but if you don’t analyze and use it for decision-making, it won’t be of any help.

The idea is to use feedback to improve your website, products, and services.

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About the author

Richardson is the head of our research team, making sure that all of our data is accurate.