This is the simplest guide on how to make a handwritten signature.
Stick with us!
Physical: Create your handwritten signature by writing it on a piece of paper, taking a picture, and uploading it in your computer.
Online: Use an online tool like SignHouse to draw, type, or upload your handwritten signature and use it to sign documents.
That’s it!
Feel free to change the width, angle, and the colour in the click of a few buttons.
If you make a mistake, you can always clear the signature, or you can simply use the arrow to undo. Redo as well, with the other arrow.
You can use your device to draw the signature and make it look just like your classic signature on a paper. Then, you can also use text!
When typing it, our handwritten signature generator designed the same signature with many different fonts for you to choose from.
Simply select the font you like most, and that’s it — download your eSignature!
It’s 100% free to create electronic signatures and apply it to documents with us.
Yes you can! You can either draw a signature by hand, or add one if you already have it
To draw a handwritten signature in Word:
This will definitely work better on a laptop with a touchpad, rather than with a mouse on a desktop device. Or, probably the best way, with a pencil on a tablet.
To add a handwritten signature in Word:
Yes, you can add a handwritten signature to your PDF file. We'll help you create it and then add it to the file as well.
Digitizing a handwritten signature means taking it from a "wet ink" signature to a digital one.
To digitize your handwritten signature in 5 easy steps:
And voila! You've officially digitized a handwritten signature.
Create your free handwritten signature with SignHouse in 10 seconds, save it as a PNG file, and then attach it in Gmail.
Create your electronic signature with SignHouse in just 1 click and 10 seconds, save it as a PNG and then attach it to the Apple Mail app.