You’re probably on this page becauase:
Well, the last part is false — you’ve just come across the ultimate PDF compressor, as our software can help you shrink a PDF to 30KB.
By the end of this post, you’ll have a 30KB PDF, as our tool is embedded on this very page that you’re on.
No need to go through many steps!
With this tool, you can easily compress a PDF to such a small size. Besides, our tool is extremely versatile, so you can resize a PDF to whatever size you wish.
Example: Type ’30KB’ in the resizing field and our system will make your PDF worth no more than 30KB. Or, type “45%” and we’ll shrink your PDF by 35% of its size.
Since 30KB is not really a lot, compressing your PDF to this value is going to be very quick. Expect a wait of less than 10 seconds when shrinking the PDF!
No. When you compress a PDF, you’re only changing the file’s size, and not the contents of the file. The purpose is to make the file easier to store and send.
To be honest, here’s what actually happens when you upload a PDF in order to compress it with our software:
Case Study: Over 89% of the PDF files that not compressed contain data that repeats itself. We target that data and remove it in order to reduce the file’s size.
For reference, here’s what remains unchanged when compressing a PDF to 30KB:
Yes, absolutely! At SignHouse, you just have to upload your PDF and type ’30KB’ in the compression field. Followed by that, you have to wait 10 seconds and click one button to download the 30KB PDF.
It’s really that easy to reduce a PDF’s file size to 30KB!
If you want to compress your PDF anywhere between 20-25KB, go through this process:
The possibilities are endless, so to speak.
We offer a suite of PDF-editing tools that work to the same level of efficiency, simplicity and speed — you can delete pages, split PDFs, merge PDFs and so much more.
In our dashboard (but also on our website), you can browse through the plethora of tools we put out.
But remember: we're an eSigning company first and foremost — you can eSign your documents, safely and securely, for free with us! So do check that out as well.
Once your document is edited, it'll be in your dashboard (if you want to keep it there). From there, it takes even fewer clicks to edit further, in case you have any alterations you want to make to it.