You’re probably here because:
If you’re looking for the most relevant and free alternative to Adobe Acrobat, you’re in the right place.
At SignHouse, we have a PDF crop function that does the job in no more than 10 seconds and a click of yours.
The best part is that you can crop your PDF document on this very page!
Wait a few seconds ⏲️.
Once that’s done, our system will let you know that your document was successfully cropped and you can download it.
In this image, you can see our Construction Contract Template. It’s free and you can get it!
Simply click on the corner that you want to crop and drag it as much as needed.
Cropping a PDF was never this easy!
PRO Tip: If you’re looking to rotate a PDF’s pages, know that we can help you with that — it’s also done in 1 click and even less than 10 seconds!
Editing the margins of a PDF document works just the same as cropping it.
Pick the tool that you need: reducing the PDF’s margins or extending them.
After typing the values for Top/Right/Bottom/Left, you can hit the button to apply changes and download the new file.
Pro Tip: If you click the “Add more files” button, you can combine more PDFs in the document that you’re currently editing.
By doing so, you get to save a cropped PDF that has pages from the other files that you’ve merged.
That sums up the story of cropping a PDF. Thanks for stopping by!
Yes you can. Doing it has never been easier.
You can do it online, without any account required.
And boom, you’re done! Page numbers added to your PDF file, 100% free.
If you scroll up on the page where we explain with step-by-step instructions how to split a PDF, you will be able to split a PDF without using Adobe.
On that very page, you can:
It takes a few seconds and only a few clicks.
Adobe, on the other hand, requires a download plus a few minutes.
Here’s the fastest way to add page numbers to a PDF, as a free method.
And that’s it!
Paginating a PDF file can be done with SignHouse’s free PDF tools.
There’s no payment, login or signup required. Just:
And boom, you’re done! Page numbers added to your PDF file, 100% free.
1. Open up the SignHouse app (you don't need to log in to get satrted).
2. Upload your PDF doc using our simple uploader. Click highlighted area in the picture above — an upload box will pop up, for you to add your .PDF file.
3. Click the “Signature” block on the sidebar
4. The pop-up showing all the options will pop-up. You will want to select “Upload”.
5. Over there you will be able to add your signature to the PDF file.
You will be able to: