In this guide, we’ll teach you how to make your:
Let’s go.
Yes, you can type a digital signature with our signature maker. Type your signature and select a font.
Use SignHouse to create a text/typed signature: open the signature maker, type your signature, choose a font, and save your creation.
When tying your signature, you’ll notice how there are different signature fonts that you can choose from.
Besides, there are two different menus:
From the ‘Handwritten fonts’ section, you’ll notice different styles. Our suggestion is to pick one that looks the closest to your handwriting.
Then: Click the blue button and download it. Insert your signature in Word, on PDF documents, and so on.
Yes, it is perfectly fine to type your signature. Typed signatures are 100% legally binding, and thy work just as fine as the good old handwritten signatures.
Read further on this topic: Wet signatures vs eSignatures.
Your signature 100% works and is 100% legal if it's typed, if you're using an electronic signature software!
Why? It's validity is given by other factors:
Therefore, typing your signature makes it valid, due to the aspects that an eSignature software handles for you.
Yes, absolutely. There are many online free software for PDF typing (we have one too), and most of them simply require you to upload the PDF and click wherever you want to type.
To properly type on a PDF (for free), you should use a software like SignHouse to:
At SignHouse, we can help you type on a PDF against no charge. It's also quick!